Mobile, AL Phone: (251) 661-1856
Repton, AL Phone: (251) 248-2661
Repton, AL
Mobile, AL
Repton, AL
Mobile, AL
Protect Your Family's Best Interests
Child custody disputes can be one of the most difficult and emotional situations that a family can go through. When a couple separates and has children, determining who will have custody of the children can be a complex and contentious issue. In these cases, hiring a private investigator in Mobile, AL, can be a useful tool in providing evidence and information to the court that can help determine the child's best interests.
If you suspect that your child is being neglected or endangered while in the care of the other parent, a private investigator can help gather evidence to support your claim. This may include documenting unsafe living conditions, neglectful or abusive behavior, or other actions that put your child at risk.
If you have reason to believe that the other parent is struggling with substance abuse or engaging in criminal activity, a private investigator can help uncover evidence to support your claim. This may include surveillance to document drug use or other illegal behavior, as well as background checks to uncover criminal history.
In some cases, one parent may argue that they are better suited to provide for the child based on their lifestyle. A private investigator can help verify these claims by gathering evidence of income, living conditions, and other factors that may impact the child's well-being.
If you have concerns about the other parent's behavior or activities while in the presence of your child, a private investigator can help gather evidence to support your claim. This may include surveillance to document inappropriate behavior or actions that put your child at risk.
State of Alabama Private Investigation License Board Number: 801 • Business Hours: Available 24/7
Phone: (251) 661-1856
312 Schillinger Rd, South St E, Suite 235, Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 248-2661
PO Box 354 Repton, AL 36475
All Rights Reserved | Falcon Investigations